The Mundling Zone

Thoughts, rants, and raves from the desk of Michelle Mundling

Friday, June 24, 2005

Food and Four-legged Critters

As soon as pets find out you have food, even enemies will tolerate the presence of the other if only to get a sample of what you're having. Take Munchkin (the dog) and Maizy (the cat) for example:

Sometimes I feel like ... somebody's watching meeeee ... and I have no privacy ... ohhhhhhhh (Rockwell, 1984) . Oops, I'm dating myself.

Munchkin is more patient that Maizy. Maizy, however, will kinda take matters into her own paws ... er, I mean hands.

But I love them anyway. I asked Pamela if I could keep Maizy. Her response was, "No way, Jose!" I don't blame her; Maizy's a cutie.


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